SanDisk SD Card with white label?
Is there a genuine SanDisk SD Card with a white label?
We use a lot of SD cards here. Some for testing, some for work, a lot of them for bundling with our devices. So I have a small and nice collection of different older cards used for testing compatibility.
Sometimes it happens that a customer returned device contains an SD card (even if we always tell not to do so) and this time we got a 2GB SanDisk card wearing an unusual white label which took my interest.
I asked the customer where he got the card from and he instantly replied \'ebay\', so I asked SanDisk customer support if this card is a regular one and why the label is white and I got the following reply:
Dear Mike, Thank you for contacting SanDisk Technical Support.
It is our goal to make sure you have all the resources you need to get
the most from your product.I understand that you would like to know if the card you have purchased
is a SanDisk product. Please be advised that this is an OEM (Original
Equipment Manufacturer product and not a retail product. SanDisk Retail
Products are defined as products in full retail packaging that are sold
through Retail Channel distributors. These products carry Reseller
returns support through distributor and end user warranty support from
SanDisk.SanDisk does not sell bulk products through Retail distribution
channel, only through OEM distribution channels. These bulk cards are
sold to OEM manufacturers and carry more restrictive warranty. These are
not sold for end user retail sales, however some buyers violate the
conditions of purchase and the condition of such cards cannot be
guaranteed. The OEM distribution channel provides full warranty returns
processing for these cards.For any warranty claims regarding this specific card you will have to
contact the place of purchase directly.
Thank you for your cooperation!
In consultation with the customer, I replaced the card with a non-OEM one and added the white labeled card to my collection :-)